Honey oats biscuits recipe available on the following link:

Nutrition Facts
Servings Per Recipe: 48, Serving Size: 1 serving, Amount Per Serving
Calories :89.9, Total Fat  : 4.3 g, Sugars   2.0 g, Protein 1.7 g
Saturated Fat : 2.4 g, Polyunsaturated Fat :  0.3 g, Monounsaturated Fat : 1.2 g
Cholesterol :14.2 mg, Sodium 50.8 mg
Potassium :58.2 mg, Total Carbohydrate :11.6 g, Dietary Fiber :0.9 g

how to make honey and oats cookies please go to our youtube channel

A nutritious biscuit, and we can prepare it very quickly