Okra cooking | vegetable | grow in Pakistan

Okra is a wonderful vegetable and we have to include in our daily meal. People dont know its benefits and impact on our health, no doubt it is a healthiest vegetable ever in our life.

No doubt its an ordinary vegetable, but it is full of vitamins and minerals which are very good for our health. People in midle east i found that they include in daily meals.

Okra is very good vegetable especially the patient who are suffering from Asthma, it is very helpful in relief in attack. It also reduce the cholesterol level in blood

For diabetic patients it is very helpful in reduce and control the blood sugar. So diabetic patients must use it regularly. 

It is also full of vitamin C and anti Oxident. It also increase the white cell in our blood. 

People who use the Okra (bhindi) keep away from the diseases of Kidney. Okra help to maintain the health of our Kidneys


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